Can a boat be a good investment? Can I make money with a boat? Of course you can! Let’s discover how
Thanks to our management programs you’ll be able to buy a boat and earn money through it. Usually our customers earn 5% to 25% of their investment, depending on the model and on when or how often they use the boat themselves. Let’s analyze the differences between investing in boat or in real estate.
-Investing in real estate will mean paying a lot of taxes. Recording costs, notary and agency fees usually total 10 – 17% of the value of what you bought. Then you’ll have to add annual and local taxes. When you buy a boat you will only have to deal with a one-off recording fee (if it’s registered), which are between 1000 and 1500 Euros.
-When you buy a property you just presume that its value will increase as time goes by. However, statistics show that from 2007 till today, the condition of real estate has been worsening. -Depending on the model of the boat you choose and on its initial price, depreciation is minimal and always covered with the income you’ll made with rent. We’ll help you choose the most profitable model, at the best price.
-The comparison between the price for the rent of an apartment and its value is lower, when compared to the same relation with boats. This means that you will earn more both in absolute value and in percentage.
-Selling a property is a long and tiring process. When you decide to pull off you will have to wait for who knows how much time before managing to sell it. You won’t be able to rent it and you will also have to deal with management expenses (if you are selling a beach house, you won’t be able to rent it for the Summer/high season). Basically, you will have to take charge of all the taxes and expenses while you wait for someone to buy it. Selling a boat is like selling a car, it’s easier and quicker and management expenses will be lower. Annual management expenses will be covered by the charter, too. Thanks to our wide fleet we’ll be able to rent your boat and, at the same time, advertise its sale. Fun fact: Often our customers buy the boats they rent!
-Renting a property comes with high risks, while renting a boat is easier and safer, as the payment is requested 30days prior to the boarding.